『スクエアストライクウェッジ 45° ピッチング&チッピングウェッジ メンズ&レディース トーナメントプレイ合法 ホットリスト受賞デザイナーによる設計 即納在庫有』はヤフオクでから01月02日 16時 39分に出品され01月22日 16時 39分に終了予定です。即決価格は13,690円に設定されています。現在753件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。愛知県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
商品名 | スクエアストライクウェッジ 45 ピッチング&チッピングウェッジ メンズ&レディース トーナメントプレイ合法 ホットリスト受賞デザイナーによる設計 ゴルフゲームの素早いカットに |
ブランド名 | Square Strike |
商品コメント | YOUR CHOICE OF COLOR AND HAND: Click between Shaft material “Stainless Steel” and “Stainless-Steel” to change the image; Whatever color you see when you hit “Add to Cart” is the color you are ordering. Choose the hand that matches the other clubs in your set. If you play right-handed irons, for example, choose right hand. The square strike wedge golf clubs for men and women conforms to the rules of golf; Give yourself an edge without breaking any rules with this chipping and pitching wedge NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE TO HIT FAT: The Square Strike Wedge pitching wedge has an extra-wide sole and beveled leading edge prevent digging; No more chunked pitch and chip shots reduces wasted strokes; Heavy, solid feel promotes greater confidence vs thin-faced wedges that dig and rotate; Less rotation with the Square Strike Wedge golf wedge for men and women EASIER SWING MOTION VS TRADITIONAL WEDGE; The square strike wedge golf club for men and women has a putter-like length, 35.5 inches, and putter-like lie angle, 68 degrees, plus anti-rotational weighting make it easy to swing and control; No opening your stance or the clubface; Use a simple straight-back-straight-through, putter-like stroke for greater control and much more accuracy; Use this chipping wedge to chip it close from a variety of lies, Perfect for bump and runs MORE EFFECTIVE THAN CHIPPING WITH YOUR 7-IRON; The Shorter length of this golf wedge for men and women makes it easier to control, no gripping down; Our golf wedge for men and women Heavier club head, 330 grams, glides smoothly through the turf and minimizes overactive hands and wrists, a leading cause of fat and thin chip shots; Extra weight moved to the toe keeps club square vs rotating through impact; More loft than a 7-or 8-iron for wider variety of shots, not just low runners LEGAL FOR TOURNAMENT PLAY AND 1 YEAR MANUFACTURER WARRANTY:. The Square strike wedge chipping wedge has a high-quality construction backed by unbeatable warranty. |
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753 入札履歴