『LitaiL Cat Wall Shelves with 2 Raised Bowls, Cat Feeding Shelf Wall Mounted 【未着用品】』はヤフオクでから12月17日 04時 56分に出品され01月06日 04時 56分に終了予定です。即決価格は13,840円に設定されています。現在984件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。徳島県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
商品名 | LitaiL Cat Wall Shelves with 2 Raised Bowls, Cat Feeding Shelf Wall Mounted, Cat Shelves and Perches, Cat Wall Furniture for Climbing Sleeping Playing, Cat Steps Shelf Set |
ブランド名 | |
商品コメント | Give Your Cat a Funny&Warm Home: This cat climbing shelf not only gives them a space to climb and jump but also gives them a great vantage point to survey their kingdom, play, eating. Cat Wall Shelves for cats on the wall give your cats an enjoyable environment to keep them active and happy. Keep Your Cat Healthy - The 15 tilted elevated bowl reduces the neck pressure when your cat eats food. It is more in line with the diet habits of kittens. And the Stainless steel bowl is removable, it can be cleaned separately from the stand Natural Solid Wood Cat Shelves: Crafted from real wood, strong, durable and eco-friendly, protect the health of cats. The color of the cat wall shelf is a neutral log color that goes well with any indoor or outdoor wall color and furniture. Nice Gift For Your Cats -This cat wall furniture is a great way for your pets to unleash their climbing nature. The wall-mounted design saves space in your room, adjust the distance and height as the cat grows to exercise their jumping ability. Let them play and explore more freely! Excellent Servic- If you are not satisfied with the item for any reason, please feel free to contact us and we will reply immediately. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal .Together we provide your pet with a loving and warm home. |
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